Faculty and Staff

Academic Calendars : the University’s current academic and multi-year calendars, and related deadlines.

Final Exams: information about final examinations and the final examination schedule for faculty and staff.

Class and classroom scheduling: the University’s policy, class meeting paradigm, and submitting a classroom request.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act: faculty and staff should be aware of students’ privacy rights under FERPA.


  • To assist students in completing the File for Diploma process, visit our Student Diplomas page. For an updated list of active program, plan, and term codes, go to Program, Plan, and Term Codes.
  • Student Records Report Repository Information
  • The REGNEWS listserv is used by the Registrar’s Office to communicate information to staff and faculty about registrar related events, processes, dates, and more. To obtain the latest information from the Registrar’s Office, please subscribe to REGNEWS listserv by sending an email message:
    1. In the To: field, enter listserv@listserv.syr.edu
    2. Leave the Subject: field blank.
    3. In the body of the message, enter SUBSCRIBE REGNEWS
    4. Send the message with no signature.

    If you wish to unsubscribe, repeat the steps above, except in the body of the message enter UNSUBSCRIBE REGNEWS.


Faculty can view their teaching schedule, class rosters, and religious observance notifications, as well as submit final grades and access Orange Success after logging in to MySlice. All instructors should be aware of their responsibilities regarding the privacy of student information under FERPA.

Advisors can view information regarding their advisees, including advising transcripts and mid-semester progress reports, through MySlice Advisor Services. Additional information, such as class search and helpful links specifically for advisors, are also available through MySlice.