Class and Classroom Scheduling


The goal of class and classroom scheduling is to make the most efficient and effective use of instructional days and classroom space to support the academic mission of Syracuse University.


  • Compliance with the Syracuse University Class/Classroom Scheduling and Contact Hours Policy and Class Scheduling Paradigm.
  • To make the most efficient and effective use of instructional days and classroom space to support a positive academic and instructional experience at Syracuse University
  • Apply classroom assignments in a consistent and equitable manner across departments and colleges, while maintaining flexibility to accommodate special needs and circumstances.
  • Minimize time conflicts in class offerings to facilitate students’ registration both for required courses and for inter-disciplinary sampling of courses.
  • Allow for exceptions deemed to be in the University’s best interests by the University Registrar and Associate Provost.

Classroom Assignments

Classroom assignments are based classroom space, current enrollment, seating capacity, classroom technology, instructional requirements and special needs or instructions provided by the department/school or college.

Classroom assignments are processed in the following order:

  1. Classes meeting in the approved paradigm meeting patterns
  2. Classes meeting one day per week for 2 hours and 45 minutes
  3. Discussions and recitations
  4. Classes approved for a meeting pattern exception

Note: Room assignments will not be confirmed until the first day of classes. The relocation of classroom assignments before the start of a term may occur to meet enrollment fluctuations, and changes to faculty assignments.  A change to the day or time offering of a class will be prohibited after enrollment has occurred. 

Once the process of assigning classrooms for an upcoming term has occurred, Registrar classrooms may be available for other uses. Student groups and organizations or departments and colleges requesting a classroom for non-academic purposes submit requests to Student Engagement