Final Examination Policy

The University examination schedule is designed to prevent conflicts in examination schedules, to provide adequate study time during reading days, and to comply with the New York State instructional contact requirement. Final examination days and times are assigned by the Registrar’s Office and may not be changed. Requests to change room assignments are permissible.

Requests for examination day/time changes may be considered in exceptional circumstances and must be submitted first through your chair and/or dean, the University Registrar and Associate Provost for approval. Exceptional reasons do not include faculty or student preference or concurrence for an earlier exam, or accommodation for faculty or student travel. It is the University’s objective that students and faculty colleagues not be harmed or put at a disadvantage by well-intended changes.

Reading days are designed to allow students the maximum opportunity to prepare for final examinations. Therefore, final examinations and required meetings or classes are not to be scheduled on any reading day. Requests for an exception to this rule must be approved by the dean of your college and Associate Provost and must be recorded in the Registrar’s Office.